All chapters affiliate through the HOSA website at www.hosa.org. The step by step affiliation instructions are below.
The first step in using the internet affiliation system is to have your chapter’s charter number and password. If you are a new chapter or you do not know your chapter’s charter number or password you can contact the State Advisor or National HOSA.
With your chapter’s password and national charter number, go to the HOSA web site at www.hosa.org. Click on Login at the top right of the home page and select Local Advisor. You will then be asked for your national charter number and password. Enter the information and begin the online affiliation process.
After successfully logging in, you should reach the main menu. To access instructions for online affiliation, please click on the first link in the main menu. It is recommended that you review the instructions if you are unfamiliar with the online affiliation system. If you had a chapter last year you will have the opportunity to re-affiliate those members without having to reenter their information. We will also be asking for you to identify gender and ethnicity for each member.