In 2024, Abby Candles celebrates its 25th year helping organizations reach their goals! Groups of all sizes have successfully fundraised by working with them, selling their candles, wax chips, room sprays and socks to friends and family. Here are few reasons to consider Abby Candles:
Free Selling Materials – Brochure packets are collated and sent to organizers at no charge.
The Profits Are Strong – You will earn 40-50% profit on all items! Online ordering with profits earned for one year. Optional cash prize program based on sales and participants.
American Made and Family Owned – From Muncie, Indiana to Moore, Oklahoma, Abby Candles has continued fulfilling our dream of serving our community and producing high quality candles right here in the U.S.
Built For Service – They offer simple online tools for leaders, marketing tools for sellers, orders packed and sorted for you by individual sellers, quick turnaround time for orders, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all products.
Earn 52% profit on all brochure sales for your fall fundraiser if you schedule before September 1st, 2024.
At the end of the 24/25 fundraising season we will place 3% of all HOSA sales into a pot to be awarded to a randomly chosen participating HOSA chapter.

Hello Missouri HOSA,
The Goodies & Gifts fundraisers provide your group with a 100% touchless fundraiser. Your group earns 40% profit and the products ship directly to your customers. There are no minimum requirements and is completely free to start. Click the Start Your Fundraiser Now button and help your group reach their fundraising goals.
For more information, contact Heather Davis, Custom Resources Fundraising Specialist, at 660-492-3081 or heather@customresources.com.

This is the fundraiser for you, as because of this pandemic, everyone is need of first aid kits! Earn 50% of the funds raised for your Local Chapter through this online fundraiser. This 50% earnings goes until December 1, 2020, so as long as your HOSA chapter registers with us prior to that date, you are guaranteed the 50%.
In addition to that, we at Right Response are running 3 very exciting contests with the HOSA states that have endorsed with us. Find out more below:
- Contest #1
Amidst all the endorsed states of HOSA with Right Response, the group that raises the most money will get the additional funds for this.
- Contest #2
- Amidst the 27 states in Missouri’s assigned region, the state that has the highest amount of income from fundraisers with us, will receive $150.00 for their HOSA Chapter to do as they wish with it.
- Contest #3
- Each of the Missouri HOSA Local Chapters will be 'trying to win' and raise the most money for their chapter, and the one that makes the most money will receive $75.00 as a thank you.
Email Sandi Burgess, Right Response Fundraising Executive Development Director at thesandib@gmail.com to be assigned a representative. Feel free to contact Sandi directly at 201-450-4504. Let’s make Missouri Rock!